For those of you who want to understand the technical aspects of how we build our Bluewater Yachts the following information should be of interest to you. If you have any more specific questions we would be happy to talk to you further. Just contact us via the enquiry form.
All Bluewater Cruising Yachts are built to conform with Australian USL survey requirements. This standard is in fact generally more conservative than most international codes which means our yachts are stronger and more rigid under open water cruising conditions than boats built elsewhere.
The hull is of a solid GRP layup which is preferred over a cored hull due to its impact resistance. Hulls are all one piece and depending on the model, range in thickness from 11mm on the topsides progressively getting thicker to over 45mm thickness at the keel stub. A layer of Kevlar is fitted forward of the main bulkhead for even better impact resistance. This means that the hull, which is the backbone of any yacht, has been designed to be both strong and rigid and will hold together even under the toughest of conditions.
Lead keels are either fitted internally then heavily laminated over or massively bolted. You can be completely confident that the keels on a BlueWater yacht are fully integrated and will never be lost. Even in the worst weather, your keel will be secure and do what it is designed to do, maintain the stability of your yacht. Your safety is our number one priority.
All hull and deck mouldings are laid up using a combination of glass / resin depositor and hand lay up. This method is preferred because it allows us to monitor and reduce air entrapment which can severely compromise the strength of lay ups completed by other methods. Each layer is monitored for glass thickness, resin ratios, temperature and humidity conditions. Both chopped strand and stitched cloth materials are used to ensure both strength and adhesion are maximized. Centreline laminates have up to 8 layers of stitched cloth reinforcing. Only quality guaranteed un-waxed resin is used for guaranteed adhesion.
High quality ISO/NPG Gelcoats are used for their UV stability and gloss retention. The hull tie layer is a resin rich vinylester layer ranging in thickness from 2-5mm which prevents any water ingress resulting in osmosis. The hull is further protected from osmosis by epoxy coating the underwater body. We use a solventless clear epoxy resin for the first 2 coats followed by 3 epoxy primer coats. This is total overkill according to International epoxy manufacturers but we believe that osmosis protection should last the lifetime of the vessel and we are not prepared to compromise on anything less. We have never had an osmosis problem with any yacht we have built.
The deck is foam cored with layers of chopped strand and stitched cloth either side of the core ranging in thickness from 28-32mm which provides maximum stiffness over large areas such as the foredeck and coach roof. All deck fittings are fitted to solid GRP areas with aluminium and stainless steel backing plates on high load areas. Deck fittings are drilled, tapped, countersunk, primed and ‘sikaflexed’ prior to being bolted which guarantees a watertight seal. Laminate thickness is approximately 18-22mm in solid GRP areas.
Hull and decks are all joined using high strength fibre reinforced adhesives then hand glassed and bolted, not just glued and screwed as is done on most production boats.
Unlike most other yachts, on a Bluewater every floor bearer, bulkhead, engine mount, chainplate knee, mast step, toilet module, furniture structure are bonded to the heavily constructed hull and deck mouldings creating an enormously strong honeycomb structure.
The bulkheads range in thickness from 20-25mm with the main bulkhead on all models being made watertight in case of collision, and all furniture is made from 12mm ply. The mast is either keel stepped or if a compression post is made from a 100mm stainless steel box section with 12mm load distribution plates which are bolted to the mast step bearers and mast base. The chainplate knees, forepeak and backstay attachments are extensively reinforced.
Every Bluewater is an individual masterpiece and there are very few similar yacht builders anywhere in the world today. Most of the yachts you see have been produced in production line manufacturing facilities which focus on speed of construction and visual appeal rather than ensuring the integral strength, comfort and safety that we at Bluewater believe is the most important factor. The strength of construction on all Bluewater’s can only be described as being massive and is just not available in mass produced boats. It is simply too expensive and time consuming, however would you want your life and that of family members trusted in anything less?
Read more on the Bluewater 420 , Bluewater 450M and the Bluewater 450M FAQ by downloading our Technical Information Documents.

The Bluewater Cygnet 20
The Bluewater 420RS
The Bluewater 420CC