Cygnet 20 Testing / Trials
We have been testing our #1 hull extensively over the last couple of months and have raced her 7 times so far.
We are pleased with how these trials have been going and have established she is a light and responsive boat to sail yet also forgiving, light to tow, easy to step the mast and rig (around 15 minutes), and easy to launch (around 15 minutes).
We have sailed Cygnet in up to 25 knots with reef in main which she handled with ease providing her crew with great confidence. Cygnet is dry punching through chop, is very comfortable no matter where you sit. Is roomy down below for our family of four, and is fast in heavy and light conditions compared to other similar sized boats. Not to mention she attracts admiration wherever she goes.
Some comments regarding the Cygnet's performance and outings as follows:
"The Gaffers Day was great fun. It was spectacular to see such a collection of boats, a lot of them dressed overall with flags, not to mention a lot of the competitors out in their finest. It was a handicap start. Out of the 10 boats we came 4th, with the third fastest elapsed time. We are very pleased with the way it performs! I think its windward performance will appease some of the critics of a gaff rig in particular. I was also a little concerned about how it would go in the added chop on Sydney Harbour but need not have worried. Hood Sails have made a nice cover for the rig (see photo below) which adds to the simplicity of rigging and unrigging."
Will Hardcastle, Designer

"After using the Cygnet with David and our 2 kids, aged 14 and 11, I found the Cygnet to be very comfortable for the four of us for a weekend away. Having mostly sailed a 42' cruising yacht the Cygnet is a very cute looking boat inside and out.
Being organised and only bringing items onboard that are required is the secret to enjoying the boat. Having easy and quick prepared meals is a handy tip with the use of the 2 excellent sized eskies and porta potti facilities are fine too (for all the ladies).
Whilst we had a leisurely sail to Elizabeth Island, Swansea Channel, we beached the Cygnet and had a walk on the Island which was very relaxing and enjoyable. However, the best part of the boat for me is at the end of the night I get to sleep on board very snug and cosy at anchor whilst I hear the water lapping up against the hull rocking us all to sleep.
Whilst racing is not something I usually do, the Cygnet is easy to sail. Everything is done from the cockpit from starting the outboard, steering the boat with the tiller and trimming the sails. No big winches and big sails to winch on. Last weekend we went in our first race as a family against other trailer sailers in the Newcastle Hunter Trailer Yacht Association. I am pleased to say, to our delight, we did very well coming first over the line in Division 1 in a 10-15 knot easterly on Lake Macquarie. The boat handled really well, felt safe, stable and comfortable. The Cygnet 20 is a pleasure to be on and fun boat to sail."
Corinne Cheung, owner of Bluewater 420 "China Girl"

If the Cygnet 20 is of interest to you, and a starting price of $45,000 plus GST then please email or call David on 0412 656 271 to organise a test sail.
Click Here for Cygnet 20 Boat Review.