Cygnet 20
Over the last 6 months Bluewater has been testing and trialling 'Cygnet' in many varied conditions and purposes. We have cruised and raced 'Cygnet' extensively.
Originally designed as a weekend cruiser we decided to see how she performed against other similar boats and joined the Newcastle Hunter Trailer Yacht Association (NHTYA) and started to participate in their casual races against 12-15 other boats on a Saturday and Sunday about once a month. We brought in Will Hardcastle (Designer) and passionate racing sailor for the first couple of races which confirmed we had a fast and very competitive club racer much to other club members' surprise being a gaff rig.

This has been a real bonus as race boats have never captured my imagination, however, to have such a beautiful, little cruising yacht that really performs combines everything I love about boating / sailing and spending time on the water - a boat you can cruise overnight as well race - perfect.
Since then we have raced numerous times at Lake Macquarie Yacht Club (LMYC) Wednesday twilight and Woody Point (Pittwater) twilight races as well. We have found we have fitted in very well with other racers (as we are at the smaller end) and have really enjoyed mid week races breaking up the working week by inviting staff, colleagues and friends out for a pleasant afternoon.
Introducing my family to the joys of competitive sailing has been possible due to the Cygnet's ease of handling, stability, comfort, performance and all important cuteness which is admired wherever we go which certainly adds to the experience. We also recently enjoyed our first outing on Myall Lakes on the weekend. A beautiful National Park located 240kms north of Sydney. It is one of NSW's largest coastal fresh water lake systems with an area of 93km2 where you can camp, fish, kayak, take walks on numerous trails, and most of all enjoy the sailing. Depths are around 2-5m and there's no better boat to explore the lake system on but with a trailer sailer such as the Cygnet 20 as you can raise the centreboard and rudder, and pull up to the beach unlike a keel boat.

The Cygnet 20 is also on the cover of the latest Cruising Helmsman, April 2018 Issue. Phil Ross, Editor tested the Cygnet 20 on Pittwater and describes her as a real cute trailer sailer. Grab your copy now for a great read.

Rosehill Trailer Boatshow
Bluewater Cruising Yachts will be exhibiting the Cygnet 20 this weekend at the Rosehill Trailer Boatshow. Come down and see David for a closer look at this beautiful trailer sailer. The Show Opens from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm Saturday and Sunday.

Meet the new Owners of Bluewater 450M "Friday's Child"
Congratulations to Peter & Sue Crawford on their recent purchase of "Friday's Child". This beautiful Bluewater was launched in 2005, and has only been very lightly used. Peter & Sue took delivery on the Easter weekend and had a lovely sail from Port Stephens down to Pittwater in a nice NE breeze. Peter & Sue commented that she sails as good as she looks, and the boat went like a dream. They wanted to thank David and the Bluewater team for building such a beautiful boat and for the opportunity to own it.

Peter & Sue owned a Bluewater 420 Raised Saloon 'Celay' which was launched in 1999. They kept their boat in immaculate condition and is easily one of the best maintained Bluewater yachts. We'll introduce you to the new owners in our next Newsletter. Bluewater would like to take this opportunity to wish Peter & Sue safe and happy cruising onboard their beautiful new boat to wonderful destinations. At least they bought another Bluewater. That's saying something about the confidence and passion they have for Bluewater cruising yachts or was it that huge aft cabin? I am sure they will enjoy personalising 'Friday's Child' to their style and taste, and making it warm and comfortable for the two of them. Oh, don't forget about their little dog 'Boston'. Trust he loves it too.
